Haunted House 10/26

100_2937.JPG Location: Waverly between Greene and Gates

Now that the neighboring houses on the right have been beautifully renovated, and the houses on the left are undergoing renovation, this skinny house is the only haunted one left on this strip! Check out the creepy curtains in the top windows. Wooo! Plus, I bet all the ghosts from the other four houses have now moved into this one.

Haunted House 10/23

classon between greene and lexington Location: Classon between Greene and Lexington

This ghost is either super girly, or drinks a LOT of Pepto. There's something about the fact that someone took the time to paint the plywood here bright pink that makes me smile.

(Today I was going to write about my concern over the lack of decoration at 313 Clinton, but I see this morning that they've started. And it's gonna be good!)

Haunted House 10/20

100_2927.JPG Location: Washington between Lafayette and Greene

This haunted doozy really confuses me. It's right next to the library, and it looks pretty uninhabited to me. Look at that ivy growing over the front steps! Plus, there's a board in the front door and you can see a dead-ish plant in the window on the top floor. YET -- the front bushes look like they've been pruned! These ghosts selectively landscape.

Haunted House 10/18

h100_2928.JPG Location: Washington between Lafayette and Greene

People definitely live in here, but won't fix the peeling paint or rotting porch. I'm afraid if someone doesn't fix it up soon, it'll be at risk for being knocked down and replaced by a Fedder's eyesore. It's across from the library -- maybe inhabited by the ghosts of former librarians?

(note: I promise to diversify the locales next week -- I just need a weekend to catch up on neighborhood stuff)

Haunted House 10/17

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Location: Waverly between Greene and Gates

This one's haunted by the ghost of bad taste.

A neighbor walking two adorable pugs saw me photographing this "beauty," and stopped to chat about it. She said it's been tacky for at least as long as she's lived in the area (10+ years). She also heard that the owner just passed away, so I'm expecting some major de-haunting on this place in the coming months.

Haunted House 10/16

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Location: Washington between Greene and Gates

I'm shocked at how many contenders exist on Washington Ave! You'd think they'd be scooped up by now and renovated.

This place'll make a gorgeous home someday, once you pry the plywood off the windows and the siding off of the house. The yard is horribly overgrown and full of trash. But look at the detailing along the very top! There is potential here, oh yes. Someone just needs to evict the ghosts.

Haunted House 10/13

Location: Irving Place, between Gates and... Fulton? Putnam?

Anyway, this block is a real mix of old and new. Some houses are freshly renovated, while others sit in disrepair.

This house reminds me of something from my childhood -- I can't remember if it was a book or a cartoon. I think it was called The Little House. Anyway, a cute little house gets battered by a city being built up around it, until someone moves it to the country where it's happy again. No, I'm not saying this one should be moved to the country. Just that it looks sad.

Haunted House 10/12

Location: Eastern Greene Ave. This place is so haunted that someone had to cement the ghosts inside! Who would do such a thing -- covering over doors and windows with cement blocks?

The upper half of this place looks absolutely gorgeous and detail-filled. Even the upper windows look nice and new-ish.

This place must have seen some very bad times. Anyone ever been inside? God, I'd love to know what's inside those walls.

Haunted House of the Day

clinton ave haunted house

Location: Clinton Ave, bt Greene and Gates

To help set the mood for Halloween, I thought I'd feature a few spooky Clinton Hill houses. Here's today's, which can be found on Clinton Ave between Greene and Gates.

I know someone lives here, as I sometimes see him on his stoop. Why he won't maintain his yard is beyond me, and it's such a gorgeous house!

Anyone ever been inside?

Haunted Church on Clinton

When I was little, I used to think all houses with boarded up windows were haunted. haunted church on clinton

This gorgeous old building's been boarded up for awhile. It appears to have been last used as a church, but I don't think it was built for that purpose. I remember it being for sale a long time ago, but haven't heard or seen anything since, aside from some brand-new "KEEP OUT" signs.

I wonder what it looks like inside.

Beautiful (or full of potential for being beautiful) buildings boarded up fill me with sadness, and a weird feeling I can't explain. Who lived here last? What did they leave behind on the other side of the padlocked door? Does no one want to cut the grass and clean away the trash?

boarded up


For some history, check Brownstoner.