Yamashiro: The Review

Jay and I hit up Yamashiro last night -- the new sushi haunt on Myrtle.100_1701.jpg Inside, the place is small. It's not totally lacking atmosphere, but it's definitely not the kind of place to go for a trendy night on the town. Most, but not all, of the tables were full when we arrived at 8:15pm -- not bad for a Monday night!

I immediately recognized the waiter as having worked at Sushi D. He recognized me, too. He said that most of Yamashiro's staff came from Sushi D. Interesting. We also started with free edamame, just like Sushi D. However, Yamashiro's edamame was kind of dry and wilty.

The menus were certainly not as flashy or nice as those at Sushi D, and were kind of confusing.

We started off with some apps - I had the kani salad, and Jay had the salmon skin salad. The kani was just fine. Jay wasn't very happy with his. The salmon skin on top of the salad was actually very tasty, but it was sprinkled on top of a boring pile of iceberg lettuce. Our apps took for-e-ver to come out, which was annoying.

The rolls were very tasty, specifically the Waterfall and the Dynamite (both pictured on the left). Waterfall is topped with crab and the Dynamite is fried in tempura. Heavenly. 100_1703.jpg

We were too stuffed for desert, but if not we would have gotten the Japanese ice cream, which comes deep fried in a puffy bun thing, and appears to have a side of carrots on fire (literally, it comes burning).

Summary: Not as nice inside as Sushi D. They also played techno music inside, which was annoying. Service is friendly and prices are a bit lower than at Sushi D. Definitely great for takeout, and fine for dining in, especially if you're close by. Good fancy rolls. Low on atmosphere, crappy edamame. No outdoor seating. Good deal for the $$$.