A Letter to Adrian

adrian.jpg Dear Adrian Grenier:

Over a year ago, Brownstoner told us you bought a place in our 'hood!. Very cool. Looks like you've got a lot of reno work on your hands, considering you're insulating the house with used denim (thanks again, B'stoner). I knew you used to live in the 'Burg and all, but isn't it time to start being loyal to your new surroundings? You know, when you're not off in LA filming Entourage? A former boyfriend of mine once saw you eating breakfast at Academy Diner with a "hot" woman. That's cool, but that's Fort Greene. Perhaps you might enjoy Mike's, or Pratt Coffee Shop instead?

So, what gives? You going to be done anytime soon? Because we'd really like to see you hanging out at Grand 275 or Choice Market or something. We'll be polite, and just give a neighborly "hi," just like we do to everyone else. We're starting to feel kind of bad and neglected. Show us the love. And maybe you'd like to do an interview with us! Wouldn't that be fun?

xoxo- CHB

PS- I loved the Devil Wears Prada.