Minutes from Community Board #2 Meeting
Tonight, I did something I never thought I'd do. I went to a Community Board #2 meeting... The big news, of course, was that the 150-year old Italianate Villa at 70 Lefferts Place was granted landmark status yesterday by the Landmarks Preservation Commision. I must have been hiding under a rock, because I had no idea it was once owned by followers of a Reverend Jealous Divine. You can read more about the house, the victory, and the man here. Brownstoner also posted a detailed update yesterday. However, I still don't understand how the condo developer can build on that site...
I stayed only long enough to get minutes of the last meeting, and hear the community board recommend that the state liquor authority grant a liquor license to this mysterious "Boiling Kettle LLC" that's taking over Gardens on Myrtle. Sounds like a place that will serve kettle chips, or perhaps have a wicca theme (with hors d'ouvres like fried eye of newt). The manager of CB#2, Robert Perris, said that reviewing liquor license apps is fast becoming the Health Environment and Social Services' committee's biggest task--they've reviewed 20 in the last month.
And in the minutes, I read that the LPC is tussling over "207 DeKalb Avenue, a.k.a. 262-272 Adelphi Street" and its plan to convert those last three bays of a five-car garage into a bar/restaurant. 207 DeKalb is Sushi D, and the project architect who presented the plan is named Kojo Simpson. Methinks Sushi D wants to expand. Does anyone have any dirt on this?
And if I heard correctly the Fort Greene/Clinton Hill rezoning proposal to limit new construction to 50 feet btwn Myrtle and Fulton with be reviewed by the Uniformed Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP) in late Jan/early Feb.