Clinton Hill CSA
/When I first moved to the Hill in 2004, I came across the Clinton Hill CSA's website during a Google search. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Participants purchase a "share," which enables them weekly summer deliveries of fresh veggies from Windflower Farms in Valley Falls, NY (food has to be picked up on Gates Ave in the summer, and Washington Ave in the winter). Participants must subscribe for the veggie shares, and then may add on other subscriptions as well, including fruit, flowers, eggs and meat. The winter share is delivered once a month. They charge on a sliding scale based on income, and also accept food stamps.Sounds like a super idea to me. The problem is, the site only lists the costs for families of two or more! What about families of ONE, like myself? I emailed them back in '04 to see if they offered shares for singles, but never received a response. I was kinda miffed, which is why I ignored them until now. Last weekend, friends of mine who have a share were out of town and asked me to pick up their goods (and also allowed me to take a few items for myself). It was a pretty good mix: potatoes, carrots, beets, greens, garlic and more. Sounds like a fun surprise to see what you'll get.
At this point, I know enough people in the 'nabe to go in on a share, so I might do that for the summer. But DO they offer single-people shares?
Anyone care to give some feedback on the CHCSA? Their website is here, and it looks pretty good (though I hope they'll update it more often in the summer- what's up with people who don't keep their sites updated??). They also appear to provide recipes occasionally, which incorporate current share items. Cool. The CHCSA serves Clinton Hill, Fort Greene and Bed-Stuy.