SCH Newcomers' Party!
/The details are in for the Society for Clinton Hill's Newcomers' Party. I wish I would have known about this when I moved to CH, but whatever. I may go this year and make my famous salmon toasts to share. You Are Invited
Society for Clinton Hill
New Comer's Party
Friday, February 23, 2007
7:00 to 10:00 pm
At 505 Myrtle Avenue
The new location of Robin & Biola's Pillow Cafe (between Ryerson & Grand)
The Society for Clinton Hill invites all those "new" to the neighborhood to come and be our guests for dinner and drinks. The "old timers" of Clinton Hill will bring their favorite dish. SCH will provide all beverages. Children welcome. Everyone please invite those new to the area from your block, your building, your child's school, or your gym to join us.
Please RSVP to Roslyn Huebener at 718-499-8382 ext. 11, by, Tuesday, February 20th, so that we can plan the food and drinks accordingly. (There is no provision for re-heating or cooking at the party, so bring your favorite dish "ready to eat.") We look forward to greeting old and new friends alike on Friday, February 23, at the charming and lovely Pillow Café.