Climate Change Day
I just learned that an enviro-group called Step it Up has organized something called the "National Day of Climate Action" on April 14th. All around the country, various groups will be doing creative things to express the same thing: "Step it up Congress! Cut Carbon by 80% by 2050." Based on the Supreme Ct. decision yesterday that the EPA better start regulating CO2 emissions, like auto emissions, I bet Congress will get tough. But a little activism never hurts. In Battery Park City, for instance, tons of people dressed in blue will create a "Sea of People" to show in concrete terms what lower manhattan will look like under 10 feet of water, which is what climatologists predict for us if we don't change our ways. That's the biggest event of the day (there are 800 in all nationwide!) but here, in our very own Ft. Greene Park, Urban Spring has organized a festival called "Spring into Greene" from 1 to 6 pm that will include "live music by local artists, inspirational speakers, practical green business and lifestyle solutions, an artwork display from local students concerned about climate change, and the weekly Saturday morning farmer's market." There's tons more info here, but kudos to Urban Spring for taking part in this very cool day.