Green Fort Greene + Clinton Hill News
/I, for one, want one of those "chic chopping bags." Spend a couple of fun and fruitful hours at our table at the Fort Greene Green Market on 11/17 or 11/24. You will meet many engaging and beautiful neighbors, help make our neighborhoods even more environmentally friendly, get some fresh air and dispel guilt. In the past two weeks we have sold 400 energy efficient light bulbs, given out hundreds of applications for non-polluting electricity, and added dozens of people to our list of New York's Greenest.
This week we will be offering very chic reusable shopping bags, as well.
If you can help, please email
Bulbs sprouting: Save energy and save money. Long life energy efficient light bulbs are offered at stores near you for a non-profit price. Each $2 or $2.50 bulb will save you over $100 because you will use less energy and replace bulbs far less frequently. Now at Yu, Green Farm, Fresh Garden, Greene Pharmacy. Coming soon to 4W, Restaurant New Orleans, Gnarly Vines, L'Epicerie, Green Apple Cafe and many others.
Ask your favorite store owner to join the movement. We supply a handsome decal for their window, leaflets explaining the whole bulb story (so they do not have to ) and the low priced bulbs. The store owner will sell the bulbs at cost for a few months as part of our community greening program. Let us know at and we will follow up with them.