First Friday at RePop: Dec. 7
"I am not in love with decay. But I am in love with an object that has experienced some kind of existence." -Rico Lebrun
Sandra Rocha's work reveals some quiet, undeclared beauty in the mundane everyday scenery of life, to entice the viewer to contemplate what is otherwise overlooked. Whether a gritty street corner or a distressed chair, she extracts something extraordinary about the subject, emphasizing all of the imperfections and quirks that give it character.
The more recent work of urban scenery is a reaction to urban grit that is so much a part of the character of the city, however subversive and unaccepted. Given the current speed of gentrification and the erection of high-rise gleaming condos throughout the city, Rocha records these gritty pockets in the underbelly of the city.
Join us for this collection of reflective work, perfect for the holiday season. Artist reception and party is 7:30 - 11pm. Wine, refreshments and merriment served!
RePOP 95% Recycled 68 Washington Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11205 718-260-8032
*RePop is also stocked with creepy Santas, and will be offering year-end sales!