Lost Dog, Found Dog

Two pet-related requests from readers: LOST DOG

Our Dog Sonnet is Missing! She ran out around 9 pm on Monday evening (May 11th) from our front yard on Clifton and Nostrand and we havn't seen her. She was sighted racing down Dekalb Ave and Grand around 10 pm last Monday evening. Last week we got a call around 4 am to say that she was on Dekalb and Carlton and dashed over immediately. We walked the streets with a mike shouting her name until 6 am but could not find her. She is small about 40 pounds, a puggle with brown short hair and a green collar. Unfortunately her tag is missing. I am attaching a couple of photos. My cell is 917 3653023. Please call if you see her. Its best not to try and grab her as she is very skiddish and runs fast. Just keep her in sight and call me or my husband Tor 347 591 9480. She is a real sweetheart and we miss her. Thanks Sujatha Raman-Snyder



My wife and I were out to dinner on DeKalb in Ft. Greene tonight when a sweet, cute and skinny stray dog came up to us and wouldn't leave. We had to take him home. He has a collar and knows some commands, so he was somebody's dog recently (though he's very skinny...probably on his own for a week or more). He seems about 4 to 6 y.o. and is a Rhodesian Ridgeback (I think).
Could you put a link to the "found dog" poster I put on my blog? We really want to find his parents. (I also tweeted it @djlavoie...a RT would be great!)
FOUND DOG in Brooklyn. Sweet, skinny Rhodesian male Friday night on DeKalb in Ft. Greene. Is it yours? Please RT: http://tinyurl.com/q84abl