CHB Finally Visits Urban Vintage
I know, I slacked big time on this one. I missed their small preview and then hadn't made time to go check them out after the grand opening. But I finally made it last weekend and boy am I glad I did! Urban Vintage is GORGEOUS! I love the combination of merchandise and retail. The bright, spacious shop is stylish and comfortable, and the owners Elizabeth and Emily Hazelwood couldn't be any nicer.
Urban Vintage is closed on Saturdays, which seems like an odd choice given the crowds just down the block at Choice (and the limited seating there). However, they're closed so they can host private events on Saturdays. And let me tell you, I would have loved to do my bridal shower there had they been open last summer. Keep it in mind.
I didn't check the prices of all of the home furnishings, but the stuff I looked at was surprisingly reasonable. Like this cute clothespin-inspired garbage bag holder for less than $30:
What an awesome way to re-purpose a small plastic bag as a garbage bag and make it look cool! I'll be back for this, for sure.
The Local's covered it here and reviewed some of the food.
Urban Vintage 294 Grand Avenue