October in the Hill
/Mmmm...it's my favorite month! And there's so much to do for Halloween! Yes, I know it's early, but Halloweenophiles like myself might want to plan ahead.
1. Halloween Party @ Repop
68 Washington Ave. (bt Park and Flushing) -- for the adults
No date scheduled yet, but rumor has it it'll be around October 27. What better way to celebrate than with superfun local shop owners Russell and Carl, among their collection of vintage wares, both beautiful and unique, and occasionally creepy. Haven't been in yet? Need a costume? Their selection of vintage clothing, jewelry, hats and other miscellany are perfect for dress-up. Head over now, and come back for the party. Details to come...
2. The Great PUPkin October 28, Fort Greene Park: registration begins at 11:30 Who doesn't like to see a dog in a funny costume? The eighth annual doggie costume contest is slated to be serious business. People go all out for this competition, and the prizes are great. Look for "celebrity" judges as well, such as newscasters and political figures. Also, the PUPS calendar, featuring local pets and benefitting the poop bag dispensers in the park, will be available for purchase!
3. Fort Greene Park Conservancy Children's Halloween Festival October 28, Fort Greene Park Hay rides, free pumpkins, face painting and food, for children and parents
4. Decorations on Clinton Avenue (white mansion between DeKalb and Lafayette)
If you've lived in the neighborhood for more than a year, you're well aware of the amazing spectacle produced at the gorgeous white mansion on Clinton Avenue. Owners Janna Kennedy and Randall Hyten create a decorative theme each year and go all out. Two years ago, they ever hired actors to perform scenes on the lawn! The NY Times did a feature on them last year, exploring their history in the neighborhood and their love (obsession?) with Halloween. Read it here!
5. Society for Clinton Hill Children's Halloween Walk October 31 A planned trick-or-treating walk for children and parents
Have info on other Halloween events? Send them in and we'll post. PS- would someone please host a pumpkin carving event?